Jumriana, 18020101015, (2023) NILAI FILOSOFI TRADISI PINGITAN PADA SUKU JAWA DALAM PERSPEKTIF HUKUM ISLAM (Studi Kasus Di Desa Lalousu, Kecamatan Wonggeduku. Other thesis, IAIN KENDARI.

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Name: Jumriana, Nim: 18020101015, Thesis Title: “The Philosophical Value Of
The Pingitan Tradition Of The Javanese In The Perspective Of Islamic Law (A
Case Study In Lalousu, Village, Wonggeduku)”, Advisor: Drs. Muh. Idris MA
Dan Ahmad Ridha M. Hum.
The pingitan tradition is carried out by brides who want to get married using
Javanese custom, in earlier times this pingitan custom lasted for 1 month, until the
bride and groom's wedding day. However, as time went on, many potential
replacements were unable to do seclusion during that time. So nowadays seclusion is
generally done 1 week until the wedding day. As for what is unique in carrying out
the seclusion tradition in Lalousu Village, Wongeduku District, namely where they
have to carry out treatment, are prohibited from leaving the house, prohibited from
meeting the prospective bride and groom, fasting, and prohibited from bathing. The
purpose of this research is to analyze what the community bases on carrying out the
pingitan tradition, as well as to find out the implications of the pingitan tradition for
the Javanese in Lalousu village, Wongeduku sub-district and to find out the
description of the pingitan tradition in the Javanese from the perspective of Islamic
law. This study uses a type of qualitative research while the approach is an
anthropological approach. Data collection techniques used are interviews and
documentation. Data analysis techniques with data reduction, and checking the
validity of the findings by triangulation. The results of this study concluded that the
basis of the people carrying out the seclusion tradition was because they respected
their ancestral culture, and they had the belief that if they did not carry out the
seclusion tradition they would get disaster. As well as the implications of the
seclusion tradition consist of two, namely positive where, giving time to reflect,
avoiding the devil's temptations, avoiding strife, avoiding failure in marriage plans.
While negative, that is, delays in an activity to be carried out as in office work and
others, feeling bored while doing the seclusion tradition. And the description of the
pingitan tradition in the Javanese from the perspective of Islamic law, namely
Pingitan is one of the traditions that is often carried out by Javanese custom before
marriage, this tradition is in the form of prohibiting the bride from meeting with the
groom, while the time is only around 1 week and this tradition has become a culture.
hereditary for the Javanese people, especially before the wedding. And the seclusion
tradition from the perspective of Islamic law, according to Buya Yahya, it's good to
have secluded when you're engaged. To keep the prospective bride and groom from
falling into adultery, it could be because they feel that they are about to be married off
to be as free as possible in communicating and socializing until someone falls into a
very big sin, namely adultery.
Keywords: Philosophical Values, Seclusion Tradition In Javanese, Ethnicity In
Islamic law Perspective

Item Type: Thesis (Other)
Additional Information: Nilai Filosofi, Tradisi Pingitan Pada Suku Jawa, Perspektif Hukum Islam
Uncontrolled Keywords: Nilai Filosofi, Tradisi Pingitan Pada Suku Jawa, Perspektif Hukum Islam
Divisions: Fakultas Syariah > Prodi Al-ahlus Al-Shakhshiyyah
Depositing User: Unnamed user with email Amnaa
Date Deposited: 06 Dec 2023 05:16
Last Modified: 06 Dec 2023 05:16

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