Ahmad (2022), NIM : 18050102075., A (2023) PENGARUH REPUTASI BANK DAN ETIKA KARYAWAN TERHADAP LOYALITAS NASABAH (Studi Kasus Nasabah Bank BTN Syariah KCPS Kendari). Other thesis, IAIN Kendari.

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Ahmad (2022), NIM : 18050102075. Program Studi Perbankan
Syariah Institut Agama Islam Negeri (IAIN) Kendari, Pengaruh
Reputasi Bank dan Etika Karyawan Terhadap Loyalitas Nasabah (Studi
Kasus Nasabah Bank BTN Syariah KCPS Kendari). Dibimbing oleh
Alfian Toar dan Alwahidin.
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui Pengaruh reputasi
bank dan etika karyawan terhadap loyalitas nasabah (studi kasus
nasabah bank BTN Syariah KCPS Kendari) secara parsial dan
simultan. Sumber data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah data
primer kuisioner. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kuantitatif karena
bertujuan untuk mengkonfirmasi data yang didapatkan di lapangan
dengan teori yang ada. Sampel diperoleh sebanyak 97 responden
nasabah di BTN Syariah Sedangkan untuk teknik pengumpulan data
dilakukan dengan menggunakan metode kuesioner, dan studi pustaka.
Data diolah menggunakan uji reliabilitas, validitas, asumsi klasik, uji
regresi linier berganda, uji hipotesis dan uji koefisien determinasi
menggunakan program IBM SPSS 26 for windows. Dari hasil
pengolahan data tersebut menunjukkan bahwa reputasi bank secara
parsial berpengaruh secara signifikan terhadap variabel loyalitas
nasabah yang ditunjukkan dengan besarnya nilai t test sebesar 5,430 >
1,98552. Etika karyawan secara parsial berpengaruh positif dan
signifikan terhadap loyalitas nasabah sebesar 3,297 > 1,98552. Dengan
hasil uji t tersebut menunjukkan bahawa variabel reputasi bank dan
etika karyawan menjadi variabel yang mempengaruhi loyalitas nasabah
pada Bank BTN Syariah KCPS Kendari. sedangkan untuk uji f
didapatkan hasil variabel reputasi bank dan etika karyawan
berpengaruh secara bersama-sama terhadap loyalitas nasabah.
Kata Kunci : Reputasi Bank, Etika Karyawan, Loyalitas Nasabah

Ahmad, NIM : 18050102075. The influence of bank reputation and
employee ethics on customer loyalty (case study of BTN Syariah KCPS
Kendari bank customers) through mentor I, Mr. Alfian Toar and
supervisor II Alwahidin Islamic Banking, 2022.
This study aims to determine the effect of bank reputation and
employee ethics on customer loyalty (case study of BTN Syariah KCPS
Kendari bank customers) partially and simultaneously. Sources of data
used in this study is primary data questionnaire. This study uses
quantitative methods because it aims to confirm the data obtained in the
field with existing theories. Samples were obtained as many as 97
customer respondents at BTN Syariah. Meanwhile, data collection
techniques were carried out using questionnaires and literature studies.
The data was processed using reliability, validity, classical
assumptions, multiple linear regression test, hypothesis testing and
coefficient of determination test using the IBM SPSS 26 for windows
program. From the results of data processing, it shows that the
reputation of the bank partially has a significant effect on the customer
loyalty variable, which is indicated by the magnitude of the t test value
of 5.430 > 1.98552. Employee ethics partially positive and significant
effect on customer loyalty by 3.297 > 1.98552. With the results of the t
test, it shows that the variables of bank reputation and employee ethics
are variables that affect customer loyalty at Bank BTN Syariah KCPS
Kendari. while for the f test, the results of the variable bank reputation
and employee ethics have a joint effect on customer loyalty.
Keywords: Bank Reputation, Employee Ethics, Customer Loyalty

Item Type: Thesis (Other)
Additional Information: Kata Kunci : Reputasi Bank, Etika Karyawan, Loyalitas Nasabah
Uncontrolled Keywords: Kata Kunci : Reputasi Bank, Etika Karyawan, Loyalitas Nasabah
Subjects: Ekonomi > Bank Islam
Divisions: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Islam > Prodi Perbankan Syariah
Depositing User: Unnamed user with username asni
Date Deposited: 15 Jul 2024 02:23
Last Modified: 15 Jul 2024 02:23

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