MARK UP TARIF TIKET KAPAL PERSPEKTIF HIMAYAT AL-MUSTAHLIK (Studi Kasus PT Pelayaran Dharma Indah Cabang Kendari Trayek Kendari – Raha – Baubau)

La Ode Abdul Wahab Hasanudin. NIM. 19020102076., L (2024) MARK UP TARIF TIKET KAPAL PERSPEKTIF HIMAYAT AL-MUSTAHLIK (Studi Kasus PT Pelayaran Dharma Indah Cabang Kendari Trayek Kendari – Raha – Baubau). Other thesis, IAIN Kendari.

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La Ode Abdul Wahab Hasanudin. NIM. 19020102076. Mark Up Tarif Tiket
Kapal Perspektif Himayat Al-Mustahlik (Studi Kasus PT Pelayaran Dharma
Indah Cabang Kendari Trayek Kendari – Raha – Baubau). Dibimbing oleh: Dr.
Ahmad Lc., M.HI dan Fatihani Baso M.H.
Kenaikan harga BBM yang resmi diberlakukan sejak tanggal 3 September
2022 membuat PT Pelayaran Dharma Indah Cabang Kendari menerapkan mark up
tarif tiket kapal sebesar 25 %. Mark up tarif tiket yang resmi diberlakukan tanggal 5
September 2022 dilakukan secara sepihak oleh pihak perusahaan. Pemerintah Daerah
merespon dengan surat himbauan Nomor 552/694 bersifat penting pada tanggal 6
September 2022 agar pihak perusahaan tidak menaikkan tarif tiket sepihak. Upaya
pemerintah tersebut untuk menganalisis kelayakan tarif tiket sebagai bentuk
perlindungan konsumen yang dalam Islam dikenal dengan istilah Himayat Al�Mustahlik. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk menganalisis sistem penetapan tarif
tiket kapal di PT Pelayaran Dharma Indah Cabang Kendari dan sistem penentuan
mark up tarif tiket kapal di PT Pelayaran Dharma Indah Cabang Kendari dalam
perspektif Himayat Al-Mustahlik. Metode penelitian ini menggunakan jenis penelitian
hukum dengan pendekatan hukum empiris. Hasil penelitian didapatkan bahwa
penetapan tarif tiket kapal di PT Pelayaran Dharma Indah Cabang Kendari dengan
mempertimbangkan biaya operasional kapal, jarak tempuh perjalanan, serta fasilitas
dan layanan tambahan. Sistem penentuan mark up tarif tiket kapal di PT Pelayaran
Dharma Indah Cabang Kendari dengan metode analisis biaya operasional,
perhitungan laba yang diinginkan, dan penentuan tarif dasar dengan tidak adanya
pertimbangan dari pihak pemerintah daerah karena tidak adanya kelas ekonomi.
Fakta baru ini dapat menimbulkan kesenjangan pada konsumen, untuk itu Himayat
Al-Mustahlik menilai dari transparansi jasa belum terpenuhi asas ash-shiddiq,
kepatuhan terhadap regulasi yang tidak memenuhi asas al-amanah dan kualitas
fasilitas dan layanan yang belum memenuhi asas al-adl.
Kata Kunci: Mark Up; Tarif; Himayat Al-Mustahlik

La Ode Abdul Wahab Hasanudin. NIM. 19020102076. Mark Up of Ship Ticket
Rates by Himayat Al-Mustahlik's Perspective (Case Study of PT Pelayaran
Dharma Indah Kendari Branch, Kendari – Raha – Baubau Route). Supervised by:
Dr. Ahmad Lc., M.HI and Fatihani Baso M.H.
The great enhancement in fuel prices that officially took effect on September
3, 2022 resulted in PT Pelayaran Dharma Indah Kendari Branch implementing a
markup on ship ticket rates as big as 25%. The ticket rate markup, which will be
officially enforced on September 5, 2022, is carried out unilaterally by this company.
The Regional Government responded with an important letter of appeal Number
552/694 on September 6, 2022, so that companies do not increase ticket rates
unilaterally. The government's efforts are to analyze the feasibility of ticket rates as a
form of consumer protection which in Muslim regulation is known as Himayat Al�Mustahlik. The aims of this research are to analyze the system for determining ship
fares at PT Pelayaran Dharma Indah Kendari Branch and the system for determining
the markup for ship ticket rates at PT Pelayaran Dharma Indah Kendari Branch from
the perspective of Himayat Al-Mustahlik. This research method uses a type of legal
research with an empirical legal approach. Research results it was found that the
determination of ship ticket rates at PT Pelayaran Dharma Indah Kendari Branch
takes into account ship operational costs, travel distance, as well as additional
facilities and services. Analysis of the system for determining the markup on ship
ticket rates at PT Pelayaran Dharma Indah Kendari Branch using the operational
cost method, calculating the desired profit, and determining the base rate without any
consideration from the local government because there is no economy class. This new
fact can give rise to misunderstandings among consumers.For this reason, Himayat
Al-Mustahlik assesses that service transparency does not meet the ash-siddiq
principle, compliance with regulations does not meet the al-amanah principle and the
quality of facilities and services does not meet the al-adl principle.
Keywords: Mark up; Rate; Himayat Al-Mustahlik

Item Type: Thesis (Other)
Additional Information: Kata Kunci: Mark Up; Tarif; Himayat Al-Mustahlik.
Uncontrolled Keywords: Kata Kunci: Mark Up; Tarif; Himayat Al-Mustahlik.
Subjects: 300 Ilmu Sosial > 330 Ekonomi
Divisions: Fakultas Syariah > Prodi Muamalah
Depositing User: Unnamed user with username asni
Date Deposited: 29 May 2024 03:23
Last Modified: 29 May 2024 03:23

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