Abd. Rahman Allhasby. NIM. 2020040201009, A (2023) MANAJEMEN SUMBER DAYA MANUSIA PADA SMK AL-MUNAWWARAH KABUPATEN KONAWE. Other thesis, IAIN Kendari.

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Abd. Rahman Allhasby. NIM. 2020040201009. Manajemen Sumber Daya Manusia
Pada SMK Al-Munawwarah Kabupaten Konawe. Program Studi MPI, Pascasarjana
IAIN Kendari. Dibimbing oleh: Dr. Akib, M. Pd dan Dr. Syahrul, M. Pd.
Kegiatan manajemen sumber daya manusia di sekolah swasta tentu memiliki
ciri khas tersendiri bila dibanding kegiatan manajemen sumber daya manusia di
sekolah negeri, karena di sekolah swasta seluruh komponen dimensi manajemen
sumber daya manusia menjadi tanggung jawab penuh sekolah itu sendiri. Dalam
penelitian ini, penulis ingin mengungkapkan implementasi manajemen sumber daya
manusia di salah satu SMK Swasta yaitu SMK Al-Munawwarah Kabupaten Konawe.
Masalah yang dikemukakan dalam penelitian ini meliputi: 1) bagaimana
proses perencanaan tenaga pendidik SMK Al-Munawwarah; 2) bagaimana proses
rekrutmen dan seleksi tenaga pendidik SMK Al-Munawwarah; 3) bagaimana proses
pengembangan tenaga pendidik SMK Al-Munawwarah; 4) bagaimana sistem
kompensasi tenaga pendidik SMK Al-Munawwarah.
Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode kualitatif dengan
pendekatan studi kasus. Dalam penelitian ini, peneliti hanya mendeskripsikan
temuan-temuan di lapangan sesuai apa yang terjadi dalam perspektif objek di
lapangan. Informan utama penelitian ini adalah kepala sekolah, lalu berkembang ke
wakil kepala sekolah dan beberapa dewan guru SMK Al-Munawwarah. Teknik
pengumpulan data menggunakan wawancara, observasi, studi dokumentasi dan
angket tertutup. Tehnik analisis data pada tesis ini menggunakan model Miles dan
Huberman melalui empat tahapan yaitu pengumpulan data, reduksi data, display
data, dan penarikan kesimpulan atau verifikasi.
Hasil dalam penelitian ini mengungkapkan bahwa proses manajemen sumber
daya manusia di SMK Al-Munawwarah dimulai dari tahapan perencanaan tenaga
pendidik berupa analisis kebutuhan tenaga pendidik yang diselenggarakan setiap
awal tahun pelajaran, analisis ini dilakukan oleh kepala sekolah dibantu wakil kepala
sekolah. Berdasarkan analisis kebutuhan tersebut selanjutnya sekolah akan membuka
rekrutmen. Model rekrutmen adalah rekrutmen internal memanfaatkan dewan guru
dan juga alumni. Metode seleksi dilakukan dalam 2 tahapan yaitu seleksi berkas dan
wawancara, semua proses ini dilaksanakan oleh kepala sekolah, adapun yayasan
tidak terlibat. Selanjutnya kegiatan pengembangan tenaga pendidik dilaksanakan
dalam bentuk; 1) Pengembangan melalui diklat, workshop, dan MGMP; 2)
Pengembangan melalui peningkatan kualifikasi pendidikan, 3) Pengembangan
melalui supervisi pendidikan. Sedangkan sistem kompensasi dilaksanakan hanya
mengandalkan sistem volume kerja atau berdasarkan hitungan waktu jam mengajar
tenaga pendidik.
Kata Kunci: Manajemen, sumber daya manusia, tenaga pendidik

Abd. Rahman Allhasby. NIM. 2020040201009. Management of Human Resource at
SMK Al-Munawwarah, Konawe Regency. Study Program of Islamic Education
Magister, Postgraduate IAIN Kendari. Supervised by: Dr. Akib, M.Pd and Dr.
Syahrul, M.Pd.
Human resource management activities in private schools certainly have their
own characteristics when compared to human resource management activities in
public schools, because in private schools all components of human resource
management dimension are totally of full responsibility by the school itself. In this
study, the researcher wants to reveal how is the implementation of human resource
management in one of the private vocational schools in Konawe Regency, namely
SMK Al-Munawwarah,.
The problems stated in this study include: 1) how is the process of the
educator staffs planning of SMK Al-Munawwarah; 2) how is the process of
recruitment and selection for educator staffs at SMK Al-Munawwarah; 3) how is the
process of development for the educator staffs of SMK Al-Munawwarah; 4) how is
the compensation system for the educator staffs of SMK Al-Munawwarah.
This research used qualitative method with a case study approach. In this
study, the researcher only described the findings according to what happened in the
perspective of the object in the field. The main informant of this research was the
principal, then the vice principal and some teacher of SMK Al-Munawwarah. Data
collection techniques used are interviews, observations, documentation studies and
closed questionnaires. The data analysis technique in this thesis uses the Miles and
Huberman model through four stages, namely data collection, data reduction, data
display, and conclusions or verification.
The study revealed that the process of human resource management at SMK
Al-Munawwarah is begin from the planning stage for educator staffs through a need
analysis which is conducted in every early school year. This analysis is carried out by
the principal assisted by the vice principal. Based on this analysis, then the school
will open the recruitment. This recruitment utilizes a network system of WA groups
both the teacher council and also alumni. The selection method is carried out in 2
stages, namely document selection and interviews. All of these processes are carried
out by the principal, without involving the foundation board. Furthermore, the
activities in developing educators are carried out in activities as follow; 1)
Development through training, workshops, and MGMP; 2) Development through
increasing educational qualifications, 3) Development through educational
supervision. Meanwhile, the compensation system is only by relying on work volume
system or based on working time by the educator staffs.
Keywords: Management, human resources, educators

Item Type: Thesis (Other)
Additional Information: Kata Kunci: Manajemen, sumber daya manusia, tenaga pendidik
Uncontrolled Keywords: Kata Kunci: Manajemen, sumber daya manusia, tenaga pendidik
Subjects: 300 Ilmu Sosial > 371 Institusi Pendidikan, Sekolah dan Aktifitasnya > 371.1 Guru, Tenaga Pendidik, Tenaga Pengajar
Ekonomi > Manajemen
Divisions: PASCASARJANA > Prodi Manajemen Pendidikan Islam
Depositing User: Unnamed user with username asni
Date Deposited: 02 Jul 2024 06:19
Last Modified: 02 Jul 2024 06:19

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